Hur kan eteriska oljor förbättra din sömn?

Om du letar efter ett naturligt sätt att förbättra din sömnkvalitet kan eteriska oljor vara den perfekta lösningen. 
Hur kan eteriska oljor förbättra din sömn?

Eteriska oljors lugna och avslappnande dofter kan hjälpa dig att somna och att somna hela natten, så att du känner dig utvilad och fräsch.


Lavendel: Den ursprungliga doften för sömn

volant white diffusor med ekologisk eterisk lavendelolja som främjar avslappning och bättre sömneterisk olja av lavendel is the most well-known aromatherapy oil which is used for sleep and relaxation, especially in those suffering from insomnia or sleep deprivation. This floral-scented oil is often the first port of call when it comes to trying out aromatherapy for sleep.

The soothing scent of lavender oil has long been associated with relaxation and sleep. It helps you to fall into a deep sleep by triggering the release of melatonin to promote a healthy circadian rhythm. Lavender oil has also been found to lower your heart rate and blood pressure to aid relaxation.

Two of the common causes of sleep problems include anxiety and pain. As well as being great at relieving the symptoms of both stress and anxiety, studies have shown that lavender oil also has analgesic properties, meaning that it helps to reduce pain.

Lavender oil is also commonly used to reduce snoring whilst increasing the amount of both deep and REM sleep. If you want to fall asleep faster, stop waking up and get more sleep, it may be worth trying out lavender essential oil.  


Eterisk olja av ekologisk lavendel
Sale price11 € | 10 ml
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Frankincense: Sov som en kunglighet

Eterisk olja av frankincense is proven to aid restful sleep by decreasing your levels of stress and anxiety. As your anxiety levels decrease, you’ll find yourself drifting into a peaceful sleep and awaken feeling rested and refreshed.

The grounding scent of frankincense oil is ideal if you struggle to calm your mind before sleep. As well as helping carry your worries away, frankincense also helps to open your breathing passages in preparation for a restful night. 



Eterisk olja av ekologisk frankincense
Sale price15 € | 10 ml
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Geranium: En lyxig doft som hjälper dig att somna

volant grey diffuser med eterisk olja av ekologisk geranium för avslappning och lugn
If you enjoy a bit of luxury, you’ll love geranium essential oil. This rose-scented oil has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety thanks to its soothing aroma which acts as a natural antidepressant. This helps to calm both the body and the mind to promote restful sleep.

As well as helping you naturally relax into a restful sleep, the sedative effects that this essential oil generates can help you easily fall back to sleep if you wake in the night. This will leave you feeling rested and ready for the day ahead.

Geranium oil is also thought to be beneficial for sleep apnea. Massaging a few drops of geranium oil into your chest and neck before sleep can reduce sleep disruptions caused by sleep apnea. However, remember to dilute geranium oil with a carrier oil before applying it topically. 



You save 20%
Volant ekologisk eterisk olja av pelargon för avslappning och hårväxtekologisk pelargonblomma
Organic Geranium Eterisk Olja
Sale price12 € Regular price15 € | 10 ml
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Bergamott: En citrusolja med bevisad effekt

volant white diffusor med ekologisk eterisk olja av bergamott som används för att lindra spänningar och ångest
Many citrus-based essential oils are renowned for their invigorating properties. However, bergamot essential oil is unique in its ability to induce the physiological changes required for sleep, including reducing heart rate and blood pressure.

This calming and uplifting essential oil also helps to reduce symptoms associated with stress and anxiety by reducing stress hormones and adrenaline, helping to clear your mind in preparation for a restful night of sleep.

Studies have shown that bergamot oil is highly effective in improving the quality of sleep, including reducing the number of wakings per night. So, if you’re looking to stop waking up overnight, bergamot may be the perfect essential oil for you.



Eterisk olja av ekologisk bergamott
Sale price13 € | 10 ml
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Vanilj: Avslappnande och upplyftande

Det finns inte många som inte tycker om den söta doften av vanilj. Den har en lång historia av användning för avslappning och stresslindring. Faktum är att vanilj används av många för att lindra effekterna av ångest och depression tack vare dess upplyftande och avslappnande egenskaper.

Med en mysig och nostalgisk arom är eterisk vaniljolja också känd för sin lugnande effekt på kroppen. Den har förmågan att minska rastlöshet och hyperaktivitet hos många människor samtidigt som den lugnar nervsystemet och sänker blodtrycket.

Om du vill lugna både din kropp och ditt sinne kan eterisk vaniljolja vara ett perfekt val.


Jasmine: Dröm sött

Den söta blommiga doften av jasmin har kraftfulla sömnbefrämjande egenskaper som hjälper dig att få en god natts sömn utan att du behöver sömntabletter.

Forskning har visat att jasmin förbättrar sömnkvaliteten samtidigt som den ökar vakenheten dagtid. Faktum är att forskare i Bochum, Tyskland, fann att jasmin var den mest effektiva sömnmedlet av alla de eteriska oljor som testades. Den starkaste jasmindoften som testades visade sig vara lika effektiv på nervsystemets aktivitet som receptbelagda läkemedel som Valium.

Om du har svårt att somna eller regelbundet vaknar under natten, kan jasmin vara den perfekta eteriska oljan för dig.  


Romersk kamomill: Hypnotisk avslappning

Chamomile has been used for many years to induce sleep and relaxation. There’s a good chance that someone has suggested you drink a cup of chamomile tea when you can’t sleep, but inhalation can be even more effective.

Studies have proven chamomile essential oil to be effective at inducing sleep after inhalation, as well as reducing levels of stress hormones in the body. As well as calming anxiety and promoting sleep, chamomile also has the potential to reduce nightmares, allowing you to have a restful night.

Chamomile essential oil is also thought to improve sleep apnea. Thanks to its ability to aid relaxation and promote sound sleep, chamomile oil can help to soothe the
central nervous system, benefiting those suffering with central sleep apnea.

The benefits don’t end there. New mothers will also be pleased to discover that roman chamomile essential oil can also benefit their babies. Along with lavender oil, chamomile essential oil can help to relieve the symptoms of colic whilst helping your baby to sleep.  



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Cederträ: Djupt lugn

With a deep, woody aroma, cedarwood essential oil evokes a sense of deep peace. Cedrol, a component found in cedarwood oil, acts as an effective sedative, helping you to drift off into a peaceful sleep.

A 2011 study on patients with dementia found that cedarwood increased the duration of sleep, along with reducing early morning waking. This means that cedarwood could be useful for treating occasional insomnia.

If you’re looking for an essential oil that will help you to fall asleep and leave you feeling refreshed in the morning, cedarwood essential oil may be right for you.  



Organic Cedarwood Eterisk Olja
Sale price11 € | 10 ml
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